We Remember Inge Lotz

Stellenbosch University honours student, Inge Lotz, who was found murdered in her Stellenbosch flat in 2005. Picture: Family Handout

Stellenbosch University honours student, Inge Lotz, who was found murdered in her Stellenbosch flat in 2005. Picture: Family Handout

Published Aug 25, 2018


Stellenbosch mathematics student Inge Lotz was attractive and highly intelligent. She came from a close-knit family who supported her completely. With a handsome young man as her companion and a circle of student friends who thought highly of her, Inge's life was nearly perfect.

There was absolutely no reason to suspect that anyone would wish the young woman harm, so when Inge's body was found inside her flat on March 16, 2005, police and her family were at a loss for clues about the motive for the attack or the identity of her killer. Inge had been bludgeoned to death and sustained wounds to the top of her head and her chest in the horrific attack. The crime shook the campus community in the small but affluent town and made headlines across the world.

Inge's boyfriend was eventually arrested but after a series of court cases, it was found that there was no proof that he had wielded the ceremonial hammer that was identified as the murder weapon. He successfully sued the state for millions and has since moved on with his life. Inge's murder remains unsolved.

Over the years, a number of investigations have been undertaken, some initiated by her devasted family who is still trying to find answers to the tragedy that robbed them of a daughter that showed so much promise. A forensic investigator is on record as saying that police compromised the crime scene by walking all over it, significantly reducing chances that anyone will ever be prosecuted for Inge's death.

Inge will never celebrate another Women's Month, another birthday or another Christmas. She will never have the opportunity to see the dreams she had for herself fulfilled. Inge's family will never see their beloved daughter get married or attain the ambitions they harboured for her.

For Inge's sake and the sake of women everywhere, if you know somebody who has committed an act of violence against a woman Don't Look Away

If you know a young woman's life is in danger, Don't Look Away

If you are able to help prevent another tragedy, Don't Look Away


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